Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Robert Browning

I recently downloaded the musical Robert and Elizabeth. I think it's wonderful. He's fighting for position as #1 poet against Robert Frost. So today at the library I got a book of Browning poems. I haven't read them yet. But I plan to.

Tonight (tonight it all began tonight...) On PBS (9.1) the Vienna Symphony Orchestra is playing a 9p.m. Alaska Time. My Mother and I are going to watch it together. Yay!

Finally, I'm reading The Lionesses Song Quartet by Tamora Pierce. It's fantasy and it's so far really good. Even though I'm only on the first book. I would recommend it.

MaggieG, Evil Goblin Overlady

Friday, 7 September 2012

Google Doodle

Did you see the Google Doodle? today I'm going to have to watch Arena/ The Man Trap in honor of this amazing day of Star Trek premiering.

MaggieG, Evil Goblin Overlady


This is all for now.
Yes it is Don't Stop Me Now by Queen.

 MaggieG, Evil Goblin Overlady

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

A Bit of This a Pinch of That

I've been reading a lot of books lately. Such as Growing Up Again, Life, Loves, and oh yeah Diabetes by Mary Tyler Moore, The Once and Future King, and, 1984. IMHO all are good books.

I've been gone for a while, miss me? I've been pretty busy (errr reading, sewing , knitting, going to the library, watching TV.....) But I'm here and that's all that matters.

How's fall for all of you? Here in Alaska it's pretty but we don't have any deciduous trees so the colors are pretty much brown and yellow. It's also getting darker at night and you can go out in broad daylight with a sweater on and have it be chilly. It also smells like berries. It's also time to pull out winter clothes now that the temp doesn't get over 70. It did one day... it was nice.

MaggieG, Evil Goblin Overlady