John and Hank Green, Dr. McCoy, Spock, Kirk, Q, Luke Skywalker, The Vision, The Scarlet Witch, Batman, Pre-Power Peter Parker, Dr. Strange, Cloak and Dagger, Douglas Adams, Nathan Fillian, Joss Whedon, Gene Rodenberry, The Doctor, the entire cast of Firefly, Neil Gaimen, Steve Moffat...
2. I just heard someone use the phrase, "I wish I could un-see that!" If you had the power to actually un-see any one thing, what would it be?
The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins sung by Leonard Nimoy
Now for your viewing pleasure:
3. Is there a city, state, or country you've never actually been to, but you always thought you really belonged there?
Yes, England
4. Let's say you inherited a wildly profitable sports franchise that your family has been running for 40 years. You could either stick around and run it yourself or sell it and pocket a huge chunk of money. (For our purposes, we'll say your personal share would be $750 million after taxes.) Would you continue running the family business or go enjoy your windfall?
Enjoy the windfall
I have discovered Firefly! It's great awesome. You guys should check it out. It's on netflix!
-MaggieG, Evil Goblin Overlady
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