Friday, 12 July 2013

Be in Awe of My Power

I, the High Functioning Sociopath, have gained new power over this blog. I have become a co-blogger, so congratulate me. I believe I owe my thanks to you, random and nameless people, who have given this blog a popularity boost. Because of your enjoyment of this blog, I have been asked to bring my online people skills to the forefront of this blog. Thank you, and I hope you continue to support my eventual takeover of the Internet. First this blog, then the Internet, then the world! I would also like to bring to your attention that anything in red should be my ramblings, while not my ramblings are in not red. To commemorate this momentous occasion I have drawn you a unicorn. His name is Chubby the Unicorn. Unfortunately, I was unable to get pictures to show up, so Chubby the Unicorn will be making his appearance sometime later.


  1. Merlin Marauder12 July 2013 at 21:48

    ... So, you're the co-blogger. Congratulations. But, you plan to control the internet using fat unicorns. That's just sad. Unicorns in Merlin are much more horse-like in form. Not to mention they don't even exist in Sherlock and various other TV shows, movies, and books. You have failed to comprehend reality.

  2. Dear Merlin Marauder, you have clearly failed to grasp the extent of my power. This unicorn can control minds with it's chubby cuteness. You also fail to comprehend that insulting someone who knows where you live is never a safe thing. Watch your back, because I have already found you.

  3. HFS!! This is MY blog still! Jeez, you aren't taking it over anytime soon! What people skills?! You don't have any! (well.... a few but not the point.) And you're NEVER online! What online people skills? And also, another way to tell whose is whose posts, I sign mine off at the end and you don't. Maybe that's a tip off as well.

  4. Who calls themselves Merlin Marauder? HFS, I know that's you. No one would call themselves a Marauder. Do you know how many people online can even spell that? Not many. Plus they used eloquent words in their speech. THIS IS THE INTERNET no one but you does that.

    1. High Functioning Sociopath13 July 2013 at 23:56

      Actually that was not me, hovever I do know where said insulting person lives, seeing as he was sitting across from me at the dinnertable today and has visited your house before. He is rather eloquent when he chooses to be. How dare you accuse me of berating myself. And for using such a dumb name. Seriously.

    2. Eh, hehe, sorry..... I feel properly stupid, happy now?!

    3. Turnovers make me happy. Hint hint. And all shall be forgiven.

    4. Then come get some I baked them yesterday!


Wooo! Comments let's see what you have to say... my precious...
