Friday, 12 July 2013


I finally made them! The HFS and I today enjoyed in the partaking of apple /sugar/cinnamon turnovers. Homemade! HFS would like me to mention that she did indeed measure the flour for the crust of the turnovers while I did.... everything else.
Don't they look tasty?
She did actually bring her own milk. She makes me so proud! Let it rain sparkles!

-MaggieG, Evil Goblin Overlady


  1. They were delectable turnovers. Someone ate the rest of mine when I got home. I would like to add that I also turned the dial thing on the stove to 360 as well as measure flour. I told you I would bring my own milk. Whole milk is too rich. I also brought you a semi-gift wrapped sponge as promised. I never lie, just use a lot of sarcasm. That's all.

  2. Ha ha! Look at that! I don"t have to go through the whole verification process when I'm a blogger! That saves half the effort.


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